My first single-handed circumnavigation
Well, single-handed circumnavigation of Alcatraz that this 🙂 It was actually my first single-handed sail on Stops. I just installed a new autopilot and wanted to calibrate and test it out..
Nice 12 knot breeze and blue skies.. Amazing day for sailing.. Just about to tack. Thank god for the auto-tack feature on the autopilot which makes single-handed tacking a breeze.
The autopilot control head. I hadn’t got round out to installing the control head on the deck. Fashioned up a makeshift location in the starboard perch to install it temporarily for the sail.
Rounding Alcatraz, doing some single-handed photography as well.. Sporting a “just sailed across an ocean single-handed look”. More like I forgot to shave this morning..
Oops I was breaking a single-handed sailing rule by not wearing my tether… Something to try out next time…
Sailing downwind with the autopilot, it handed it pretty well. Figured out how to do quick chicken gybes. I didn’t dare do proper gybes single-handed.
Stops back at the Marina, after a wonderful sail. I found coming in stern-to was much easier when single-handed. It allows me to quickly escape by going forward if something goes wrong.